Package OpenCAGE.Data.Oc_Data

This object holds all data for one instance of OpenCAGE (actual model, lists of command factories, ...)

Class Oc_Data

extends OpenCAGE.Data.Data

This object holds all data for one instance of OpenCAGE (actual model, lists of command factories, ...)


private OpenCAGE.GIF.Root_Node_Models.Root_Node_Model Graph_Model 

The model that is loaded.

private OpenCAGE.GIF.Factories.Specific_Model_Factory Model_Factory 

The factory that built the actual model.

private OpenCAGE.Controller.Pipe.Command_Pipeline Command_Pipe 

The used command pipe.

private OpenCAGE.Controller.Command.Command_Factories_Lists.List Command_Factories 

A list of all available command factories.

private OpenCAGE.GUI.Factories.Displays.Display_Factory Display_Factory 

Stores the current Display Factory.

private OpenCAGE.Window_Masters.Displays.Window_Master_Display Window_Master 

Holds the window master display.

private OpenCAGE.Analysis_Masters.Displays.Analysis_Master_Display Analysis_Master 

Holds the analysis master display.

private OpenCAGE.Layout_Masters.Displays.Layout_Master_Display Layout_Master 

Holds the layout master display.

private OpenCAGE.GIF.Factories.Graph_Factory.Graph_Factory Graph_Factory 

Holds the graph factory.

private OpenCAGE.GUI.Factories.Context_Menus.Context_Menu_Factory Context_Menu_Factory 

Holds the context menu factory (specific for the loaded graph model).

private OpenCAGE.State.State_Model State 

Holds the state model.

private OpenCAGE.GUI.Display_Controllers.Display_Controller View_Master_Display_Controller 

Holds the view master display controller (the controller created by open_graph).

private OpenCAGE.GUI.Cursors.Cursor_Factory Cursor_Factory 

Holds the cursor factory for non-graph windows.

private OpenCAGE.GUI.Display_Controllers.Display_Controller To_Window_DC 

This contains the last Display_Controller clicken on in to window mode. It is valid only direct after a To_Window command. It contains null if to window mode was cancelled.

private OpenCAGE.GUI.Cursors.Cursor_Factory DC_Cursor_Factory 

Holds the cursor factory for graph windows.

private OpenCAGE.Window_Masters.Models.Window_Master_Model Window_Master_Model 

Holds the window master model.

private OpenCAGE.Analysis_Masters.Models.Analysis_Master_Model Analysis_Master_Model 

Holds the analysis master model.

private OpenCAGE.Layout_Masters.Models.Layout_Master_Model Layout_Master_Model 

Holds the layout master model.

private Ada.Strings.Unbounded.Unbounded_String Filename 

The filename of the currently opened model.

private OpenCAGE.Controller.Pipe_Segments.Milestone.Milestone_Pipe_Segment After_Execute_Milestone 

A Mile_Stone_Pipe_Segment that is called after the Execute_Pipe_Segment.


public Register_Command_Factory( OpenCAGE.Controller.Command.Command_Factory CF);

Registers the given command factory at the list and sets Oc_data, if possible.

public OpenCAGE.Controller.Command.Command_Factory Get_Command_Factory( Ada.Strings.Unbounded.Unbounded_String Name);

Return the command factory with the given name or null if no factory was found.