Package OpenCAGE.Masters.Displays

contains abstract classes for master displays

Class Master_Display

extends OpenCAGE.Dialogs.Handlers.Handler_Target


private Gtk.Window.Gtk_Window Window 

The visible window.

private OpenCAGE.Data.Data Oc_Data 

private OpenCAGE.GUI.Cursors.Cursor_State_Model_Observer Cursor_Observer 

private OpenCAGE.Masters.Displays.Master_State_Model_Observer State_Observer 


public Show(void);

Shows the WIndow_Master, if it was hidden, does nothing, else.

public Hide(void);

Hides the WIndow_Master, if it was hidden, does nothing, else.

public Boolean Is_Visible(void);

Returns true, if the window is visible, false otherwise.

public Toggle_Visibility(void);

Shows the window, if it is hidden, hides it, else.

public Event( Ada.Strings.Unbounded.Unbounded_String Link);

This is called by an event handler if an event occured (You guessed that. This description is very abstract, because the class is also very abstract). [This description is adopted from 'OpenCAGE.Dialogs.Handlers.Handler_Target'.]

public Boolean Can_Execute( Ada.Strings.Unbounded.Unbounded_String Link);

returns true if a (button) event with the given link string will be handeled. This can be used to gray out the buttons if they shouldn't be used. [This description is adopted from 'OpenCAGE.Dialogs.Handlers.Handler_Target'.]

Class Master_State_Model_Observer

extends OpenCAGE.State.State_Model_Observer


private OpenCAGE.Masters.Displays.Master_Display Master 


public Changed( OpenCAGE.State.State_Message Message);

Is called by the model when something has changed. [This description is adopted from 'OpenCAGE.State.State_Model_Observer'.]