This object holds all data for one instance of OpenCAGE (actual model, lists of command factories, ...)
extends OpenCAGE.Data.Data
This object holds all data for one instance of OpenCAGE (actual model, lists of command factories, ...)
private OpenCAGE.GIF.Root_Node_Models.Root_Node_Model Graph_Model |
The model that is loaded.
private OpenCAGE.GIF.Factories.Specific_Model_Factory Model_Factory |
The factory that built the actual model.
private OpenCAGE.Controller.Pipe.Command_Pipeline Command_Pipe |
The used command pipe.
private OpenCAGE.Controller.Command.Command_Factories_Lists.List Command_Factories |
A list of all available command factories.
private OpenCAGE.GUI.Factories.Displays.Display_Factory Display_Factory |
Stores the current Display Factory.
private OpenCAGE.Window_Masters.Displays.Window_Master_Display Window_Master |
Holds the window master display.
private OpenCAGE.Analysis_Masters.Displays.Analysis_Master_Display Analysis_Master |
Holds the analysis master display.
private OpenCAGE.Layout_Masters.Displays.Layout_Master_Display Layout_Master |
Holds the layout master display.
private OpenCAGE.GIF.Factories.Graph_Factory.Graph_Factory Graph_Factory |
Holds the graph factory.
private OpenCAGE.GUI.Factories.Context_Menus.Context_Menu_Factory Context_Menu_Factory |
Holds the context menu factory (specific for the loaded graph model).
private OpenCAGE.State.State_Model State |
Holds the state model.
private OpenCAGE.GUI.Display_Controllers.Display_Controller View_Master_Display_Controller |
Holds the view master display controller (the controller created by open_graph).
private OpenCAGE.GUI.Cursors.Cursor_Factory Cursor_Factory |
Holds the cursor factory for non-graph windows.
private OpenCAGE.GUI.Display_Controllers.Display_Controller To_Window_DC |
This contains the last Display_Controller clicken on in to window mode. It is valid only direct after a To_Window command. It contains null if to window mode was cancelled.
private OpenCAGE.GUI.Cursors.Cursor_Factory DC_Cursor_Factory |
Holds the cursor factory for graph windows.
private OpenCAGE.Window_Masters.Models.Window_Master_Model Window_Master_Model |
Holds the window master model.
private OpenCAGE.Analysis_Masters.Models.Analysis_Master_Model Analysis_Master_Model |
Holds the analysis master model.
private OpenCAGE.Layout_Masters.Models.Layout_Master_Model Layout_Master_Model |
Holds the layout master model.
private Ada.Strings.Unbounded.Unbounded_String Filename |
The filename of the currently opened model.
private OpenCAGE.Controller.Pipe_Segments.Milestone.Milestone_Pipe_Segment After_Execute_Milestone |
A Mile_Stone_Pipe_Segment that is called after the Execute_Pipe_Segment.
Registers the given command factory at the list and sets Oc_data, if possible.
Return the command factory with the given name or null if no factory was found.