This package includes the Graph InterFace.
Encodes the type of change the model notifies to the display, i.e. (Edge_Created, Edge_Deleted, Edge_Changed)
This is an abstract class representing an edge of a graph. Thus, it holds two Node_Models: a start and an end node.
Returns the start node of the edge. For the start node this edge is an outgoing edge.
Returns the end node of the edge. For the end node this edge is an incoming edge.
Get a node annotation.
Set a node annotation. If it exists already, it is updated, else it is created.
Get a node annotation.
Set a node annotation. If it exists already, it is updated, else it is created.
Get a node annotation.
Set a node annotation. If it exists already, it is updated, else it is created.
Encapsulate the Edge in a Pot element
Attach the given observer to the observer list.
Detach the given observer from the observer list.
returns a unique identification for the edge.
Encodes the type of change the model notifies to the display, i.e. (Node_Created, Node_Deleted, Node_Changed)
This is an abstract class representing a node of a graph. It stores the incoming and outgoing edges of a node. It also has a list of all its children. All classes representing a kind of graph node have to inherit from Node_Model.
A list of all incoming edges.
A list of all outgoing edges.
Returns true if not Is_Leaf() and Count(Children) > 0, false otherwise.
Returns true if this node is a leaf, false otherwise.
Returns a list of all children of this node if Is_Leaf() == false, null otherwise.
returns the parent of the node, null if it has no parent.
Get a node annotation.
Set a node annotation. If it exists already, it is updated, else it is created.
Get a node annotation.
Set a node annotation. If it exists already, it is updated, else it is created.
Get a node annotation.
Set a node annotation. If it exists already, it is updated, else it is created.
This method returns true if the given action name is supported, i.e. of Get_Action will return an appropriate Action. Otherwise false is returned.
This method returns an Action matching the given name. E.g. if you give "Foo" as the name, you will get a Foo_Action. If this action is not supported by the model behind Node_Model it will throw an Unsupported_Action_Exception. So you either get an Action which is a Foo_Action (i.e. you are allowed to cast and you can be sure the cast works) or an exception is raised.
Returns a String_List, which contains all the Attributes within this node
returns a unique identification for the node.
Create a pot element with the node contained in the pot element
Return the read/write status of a node. True = read only False = read and write
Sets the read/write status of a node True = read only False = read and write
Attach the given observer to the observer list.
Detach the given observer from the observer list.
extends FET.Pot_Element
A Pot_Element, which contains a Node_Model
A unique Id, used to identify every gif object.
This abstract class is implemented by classes which want to observe Edge_Models
This abstract class is implemented by classes which want to observe Node_Models
Is called by the observed node when it is asked to destroy itself.
Is called by the observed node when it has changed.
Is called by the observed node when a child is added.
Is called by the observed node when a child is removed.
Is called by the observed node when an incoming edge was added.
Is called by the observed node when an outgoing edge was added.
Is called by the observed node when an incoming edge was removed.
Is called by the observed node when an outgoing edge was removed.