The graph factory classes.
throws No_Specific_Model_Factory_Error , No_Graph_File_Opened_Error .
This is a class used to open a file that stores a graph system. It hides a factories and gives you a simple interface to open files and building graph windows. Every Specific_Model_Factory, which OpenCAGE has to know (and therefore every file format) has to be registered to this factory
private OpenCAGE.GIF.Factories.Graph_Factory.Specific_Model_Factories_Lists.List Specific_Model_Factories |
A list of Specific_Model_Factories which are registered in the system. These will be checked one by one until a appropriate is found.
private OpenCAGE.GUI.Factories.Displays.Display_Factory Display_Factory |
The display factory of the last opened file. It is returned by the Specific_Model_Factory.
private OpenCAGE.Data.Data Oc_Data |
The global Oc_Data object.
private OpenCAGE.GIF.Factories.Graph_Factory.Graph_Factory_Observers_Lists.List Observers |
a list of observers that observe the Graph_Factory
Open the file specified by the filename. If no fitting Specific_Model_Factory is found, a exception is thrown.
Returns a Display_Factory for the last opended Filename. Throws a exception, if no file was opened before.
Register a Specific_Model_Factory, which can handle a specific file type. Registering the same factories more than once is allowed. In this case the first matching factory is used (in the order they were registered).
Returns true if any of the registered Specific_Model_Factories can open the file, false otherwise.
attach the given observer to the observer list
detach the given observer from the observer list
Notify the attached observers of something
The messages a Graph_Factory can omit: (Opened)
an abstract observer that observes the graph factory.
private OpenCAGE.GIF.Factories.Graph_Factory.Graph_Factory Model |
the observed graph factory
contains a pair of objects: a specific model factory and a display factory.