Package OpenCAGE.GUI.Cursors

Provides helper for cursor switching.

Class Cursor_Factory

Encapsulation of cursor objects


private Gdk.Cursor.Gdk_Cursor Busy_Cursor 

returns a busy cursor

private Gdk.Cursor.Gdk_Cursor Select_Cursor 

returns a select cursor

private Gdk.Cursor.Gdk_Cursor Zoom_Cursor 

returns a zoom cursor

private Gdk.Cursor.Gdk_Cursor To_Window_Cursor 

returns a to-window cursor

private Gdk.Cursor.Gdk_Cursor Not_Allowed_Cursor 

returns a not-allowed-cursor


public Gdk.Cursor.Gdk_Cursor Get_Cursor( OpenCAGE.State.State_Model State);

Returns a cursor object that matches the given state. These are cursors for 'normal' windows.

Class Cursor_State_Model_Observer

extends OpenCAGE.State.State_Model_Observer

changes the cursor of the window according to the observed state.


private Gtk.Window.Gtk_Window Window 

The window of which the cursor will be changed.

private OpenCAGE.GUI.Cursors.Cursor_Factory Cursor_Factory 

The cursor factory that provides the cursor objects.


public Changed( OpenCAGE.State.State_Message Message);

Change the cursor. This is called by the state observer when the state is changed.

Class DC_Cursor_Factory

extends OpenCAGE.GUI.Cursors.Cursor_Factory

Returns cursors for graph_windows.


public Gdk.Cursor.Gdk_Cursor Get_Cursor( OpenCAGE.State.State_Model State);

Returns a cursor object that matches the given state. These are cursors for 'normal' windows. [This description is adopted from 'OpenCAGE.GUI.Cursors.Cursor_Factory'.]