This is an Enumeration. Possible values: Normal, Selecting, Moving
extends OpenCAGE.GUI.Displays.Window_Displays.Window_Display
This class displays the Graph Window on the screen by using the Graph_Window_Model. BORDER_SPACE is used to get a blank border in a graph area.
private Graphics.Area_Sizes.Area_Size Page_Size |
page width means the width of the visible area of the Graph Area in pixels
private Gdk.Font.Gdk_Font Font |
the font type used in the window
private Gtk.Window.Gtk_Window Window |
the window
private Gtk.Adjustment.Gtk_Adjustment Adj_V |
vertical adjustment, meaning the difference to the vertical coordinate, changed by scrolling e.g.
private Gtk.Adjustment.Gtk_Adjustment Adj_H |
horizontal adjustment, means the difference to the horizontal coordinate, changed by scrolling e.g.
private Gtk.Drawing_Area.Gtk_Drawing_Area Drawing_Area |
private Gtk.Scrollbar.Gtk_Scrollbar Scrollbar_V |
private Gtk.Scrollbar.Gtk_Scrollbar Scrollbar_H |
private OpenCAGE.GUI.Displays.Graph_Window_Displays.GWD_State State |
Holds the state of the display (e.g. if we are moving stuff around or not).
private Graphics.Graphic_Component.Gtk_GC.Gtk_Graphic_Component Moving_Objects_GC |
The graphic comonent containing the display of the nodes we are currently moving around.
private Graphics.Graphic_Component.Gtk_GC.Gtk_Graphic_Component Node_GC |
The graphic comonent of this display used to draw the nodes.
private Graphics.Graphic_Component.Gtk_GC.Gtk_Graphic_Component Edge_GC |
The graphic comonent of this display used to draw the edges.
private OpenCAGE.GUI.Displays.Graph_Window_Models.Graph_Window_Model Model |
private Graphics.Points.Point Start_Position |
holds the point where the user begins some stuff (e.g. moving around objects or selecting with scope)
private Gdk.GC.Gdk_GC Scroll_Gc |
context for the scrollbars
private Graphics.Points.Point Current_Position |
holds the current point where the user does some stuff right now (e.g. selecting with scope)
private Graphics.Points.Point Last_Scope_Position |
holds the position of the last position of the scope
private Gtk.Button.Gtk_Button All_Button |
if pressed it will select all objects
private Gtk.Button.Gtk_Button Inv_Button |
if pressed it will inverse the selection of the set of selected objects
private Glib.Gfloat Old_Adj_V_Value |
the old value of the adjustment
private Glib.Gfloat Old_Adj_H_Value |
private Graphics.Points.Point Last_Click |
the position of the last click with the mouse
private OpenCAGE.Zoom_Tables.Zoom_Table My_Zoom_Table |
private OpenCAGE.GUI.Displays.Graph_Window_Displays.Zoom_Observer Zoom_Observer |
our internal zoom observer
private Gtk.Label.Gtk_Label U_Status_Label |
The label that visualizes the Userview status.
private Gtk.Label.Gtk_Label F_Status_Label |
The label that visualizes the Filter status.
private Gtk.Label.Gtk_Label R_Status_Label |
The label that visualizes the Readonly status.
sets the title of the window
Do a complete redraw, e.g. after the model changed.
Refresh the screen, e.g. after expose events.
Show the window.
Hide the window.
Creates a new instance of this class.
Refresh the screen, e.g. after expose events.
Prepares for moving around all selected objects. This must be called before Move_Objects can be called!
Move the current objects which where selected using on of the Start_Moving methods (currently only Start_Moving_Selected_Objects) to the given position.
Stops moving the objects. This will not refresh or redraw the screen. It returns a vector describing the new position.
updates the settings of the window if it was e.g. resized e.g. initializes the scrollbars
Returns the Object which is at the Point that was clicked
calculates the absolute position of the mouse pointer on the Draw_Area
Prepares for selecting objects with a scope. This must be called before Update_Scope_Position can be called!
This updates one of the two positions which make up the scope. The other was set with Start_Selecting_Objects_With_Scope.
Stops selecting objects with a scope.
scrolls the content of the Drawing-Area
updates the content of the Drawing_Area after the scrollbars were updated
moves and redraws a part of the viewport after the scrollbars were moved
checks if its shown or hide [This description is adopted from 'OpenCAGE.GUI.Displays.Window_Displays.Window_Display'.]
chenges the visibility [This description is adopted from 'OpenCAGE.GUI.Displays.Window_Displays.Window_Display'.]
zooms into the window
zooms out of the window
executes Gtk.Adjustment.Set_Upper corrected by zoom
executes Gtk.Adjustment.Set_Lower corrected by zoom
Redraw the given object display only.
executes Gtk.Adjustment.Set_Value corrected by zoom
Update the status fields.
extends OpenCAGE.Zoom_Tables.Zoom_Observer
private OpenCAGE.GUI.Displays.Graph_Window_Displays.Graph_Window_Display Display |