Package OpenCAGE.GUI.Displays.Node_Displays

Class Model_Observer

extends OpenCAGE.GIF.Node_Model_Observer


private OpenCAGE.GUI.Displays.Node_Displays.Node_Display Node 

holds a pointer to the node display to notify


public Destroying( OpenCAGE.GIF.Node_Model Old_Node);

Is called by the observed node when it is asked to destroy itself. [This description is adopted from 'OpenCAGE.GIF.Node_Model_Observer'.]

public Changed( OpenCAGE.GIF.Node_Model Node);

Is called by the observed node when it has changed. [This description is adopted from 'OpenCAGE.GIF.Node_Model_Observer'.]

public Child_Added( OpenCAGE.GIF.Node_Model Node, OpenCAGE.GIF.Node_Model Child_Node);

Is called by the observed node when a child is added. [This description is adopted from 'OpenCAGE.GIF.Node_Model_Observer'.]

public Child_Removed( OpenCAGE.GIF.Node_Model Node, OpenCAGE.GIF.Node_Model Child_Node);

Is called by the observed node when a child is removed. [This description is adopted from 'OpenCAGE.GIF.Node_Model_Observer'.]

public Incoming_Edge_Added( OpenCAGE.GIF.Node_Model Node, OpenCAGE.GIF.Edge_Model New_Edge);

Is called by the observed node when an incoming edge was added. [This description is adopted from 'OpenCAGE.GIF.Node_Model_Observer'.]

public Outgoing_Edge_Added( OpenCAGE.GIF.Node_Model Node, OpenCAGE.GIF.Edge_Model New_Edge);

Is called by the observed node when an outgoing edge was added. [This description is adopted from 'OpenCAGE.GIF.Node_Model_Observer'.]

public Incoming_Edge_Removed( OpenCAGE.GIF.Node_Model Node, OpenCAGE.GIF.Edge_Model Old_Edge);

Is called by the observed node when an incoming edge was removed. [This description is adopted from 'OpenCAGE.GIF.Node_Model_Observer'.]

public Outgoing_Edge_Removed( OpenCAGE.GIF.Node_Model Node, OpenCAGE.GIF.Edge_Model Old_Edge);

Is called by the observed node when an outgoing edge was removed. [This description is adopted from 'OpenCAGE.GIF.Node_Model_Observer'.]

Class Node_Display

extends OpenCAGE.GUI.Displays.Object_Displays.Object_Display

This class holds the data needed for the visualization, e.g. positions of nodes, visibility, the assigned pixmaps, etc. Each Node_Display has its own Node_Model.


private Graphics.Points.Point Position 

This is the centre point of the node

private Graphics.Pixmaps.Pixmap Pixmap 

The pixmap representing this node

private OpenCAGE.GIF.Node_Model Node_Model 

This attribute points to the Node_Displays its node model

private Boolean Candidate 

True if Node is Candidate for beeing clicked, false if not.

private Graphics.Area_Sizes.Area_Size Size 

This is the size of the pixmap of the node in pixels

private Graphics.Area_Sizes.Area_Size Half_Size 

This is the half size of the pixmap of the nod in pixels. It is needed to calculate things in the Quad_Tree.

private OpenCAGE.GUI.Displays.Node_Displays.Model_Observer Model_Observer 


private Set_Size( Graphics.Area_Sizes.Area_Size To);

Sets the attribute Size. Size is also an attribute of Pixmap. To avoid inconsistencies this method is private.

private Set_Half_Size( Graphics.Area_Sizes.Area_Size To);

Sets the attribute Half_Size. Size is also an attribute of Pixmap. To avoid inconsistencies this method is private.

public Update_Display_Really(void);

Is called by Update. Don't ever called from somewhere else unless you know what you're doing. This method is protected, i.e. it should not be called from outside. Unfortunatly Ada doesn't support this feature. [This description is adopted from 'OpenCAGE.GUI.Displays.Object_Displays.Object_Display'.]

public Take( OpenCAGE.GUI.Displays.Object_Displays.Object_Visitor Visitor);

see Visitor Pattern [This description is adopted from 'OpenCAGE.GUI.Displays.Object_Displays.Object_Display'.]

public OpenCAGE.GUI.Displays.Node_Displays.Node_Display_Pot_Element Create_Pot_Element(void);

Class Node_Display_Pot_Element

extends FET.Pot_Element


private OpenCAGE.GUI.Displays.Node_Displays.Node_Display Value 


public OpenCAGE.General.XML.Node_Ptr Serialize(void);

Serializes the content of this Pot_Element into XML [This description is adopted from 'FET.Pot_Element'.]