extends OpenCAGE.GUI.Menus.Menu
Abstract implementation of the menu interface
private OpenCAGE.GUI.Menus.Menu Parent |
private Ada.Strings.Unbounded.Unbounded_String ID |
Used for unique identification of menus (key in hashtable of Sub_Menu). In Menu_Item it is the name of the Command_Factory to be called when chosen by the user. Don't change the value of this variable after adding it to a Top_Menu, it will not recognize this change. If you have to do this, you will have to implement a changed notification.
private Boolean Visible |
Tells whether the Menu appears on the screen or not. Not to mix up with sensitivity", which determines whether the menu is "grayed-out" or not!
private Boolean Sensitive |
Tells whether the Menu is grayed out or not.Not to mix up with "visible", which whether the menu appears on the screen at all.
copies everything from this object into the given menu
Intersects itself with the given menu, so that only menu items remain which are part of both menus. [This description is adopted from 'OpenCAGE.GUI.Menus.Menu'.]