extends OpenCAGE.GUI.Menus.Sub_Menus.Sub_Menu
Highest Level of menus, has no parents.
private OpenCAGE.GUI.Menus.Hashed_Menus.Mapping Menu_Hash |
Stores all menus being part of self. The link of the menu is used as key for the hashtable.
private Gtk.Menu.Gtk_Menu Shown_Gtk_Menu |
Stores the Gtk_Menu that has already been shown in order to being able to destroy it.
private Ada.Strings.Unbounded.Unbounded_String Default_Command |
private FET.Data_Source Data_Source |
Used to check if menu is grayed out or not.
returns a gtk menu
Reads the content of the menu from the given XML file.
Creates a deep copy of this object [This description is adopted from 'OpenCAGE.GUI.Menus.Menu'.]
This calls clone and casts the clone to a Top_Menu
copies everything from this object into the given menu
Intersects itself with the given menu, so that only menu items remain which are part of both menus. [This description is adopted from 'OpenCAGE.GUI.Menus.Menu'.]