Package OpenCAGE.GUI.Workbench

All classes for displaying the workbench

Class GUI_Element

This is an abstract gui element that can be added to the workbench.


private OpenCAGE.General.XML.Node_Ptr Model 

A xml node that contains configuration informations for the element.

private OpenCAGE.Data.Data Oc_Data 

The global Oc_Data object.

private Gtk.Window.Gtk_Window Window 

A Gtk_Window from which some infos can be retrieved (i.e. for creating transparent pixmaps). This Gtk_Window MUST NOT be changed.


public Gtk.Widget.Gtk_Widget Get_Widget(void);

Create and return the widget that belongs to this element.

Precondition: Model and Handler if applicable are set.

public Ada.Strings.Unbounded.Unbounded_String Get_Name(void);

Returns a name specific for this element. This will perhaps be used to identify a matching model.