Package OpenCAGE.Zoom_Tables

This package contains the zoom tables which are used to determine the size and position of the objects in the graph area.

Class Zoom_Table

This is the zoom table interface which every zoom table has to implement.


public Graphics.Points.Point Get_Zoomed_Point( Graphics.Points.Point My_Point);

returns a point corrected by the zoom level

public Glib.Gfloat Get_Zoom( OpenCAGE.GIF.Node_Model Node);

returns the zoom level for a Node_Display

public Glib.Gfloat Get_Zoom( OpenCAGE.GIF.Edge_Model Edge);

returns the zoom level for a Node_Display

public Set_Global_Zoom( Glib.Gfloat Value);

sets the attribut Global_Zoom

public Glib.Gfloat Get_Global_Zoom(void);

gets the attribut Global_Zoom

public Zoom_In(void);

increases the zoom level

public Zoom_Out(void);

decreases the zoom level

public Graphics.Area_Sizes.Area_Size Get_Zoomed_Area( Graphics.Area_Sizes.Area_Size My_Area);

returns an area corrected by the zoom level

public Attach( OpenCAGE.Zoom_Tables.Zoom_Observer Observer);

attaches a zoom observer to the list of observers.

public Detach( OpenCAGE.Zoom_Tables.Zoom_Observer Observer);

detaches a zoom observer from the list of observers.

Class Zoom_Observer

This is the zoom table observer interface. The observer will be notified after the zoom table it is observing changed.


public Changed( OpenCAGE.Zoom_Tables.Zoom_Table Table);

This method is called after the zoom value changed.