Package RFGs

The resource flow graph (RFG) library

Class Attribute_Array

Class Attribute_Array_Ptr

Class Diverse_Attributes

Class Edge

Class Edge_Attribute

Class Edge_Observer

This observer listens to an edge.


public Destroying( RFGs.Edge_Ptr Old_Edge, RFGs.View View);

This message is sent if the edge is destroying itself.

public Changed( RFGs.Edge_Ptr Changed_Edge, RFGs.View View);

This message is sent if the edge has been changed.

Class Edge_Ptr

Class Node'Class

Class Node

Class Node_Attribute

Class Node_ID

Class Node_Observer

This observer listens to nodes.


public Destroying( RFGs.Node_Ptr Old_Node, RFGs.View View);

This message is sent if the node is destroying itself.

public Changed( RFGs.Node_Ptr Changed_Node, RFGs.View View);

This message is sent if the node has been changed.

public Incoming_Edge_Added( RFGs.Node_Ptr Node, RFGs.View View, RFGs.Edge_Ptr New_Edge);

This message is sent if an incoming edge has been added to the node.

public Outgoing_Edge_Added( RFGs.Node_Ptr Node, RFGs.View View, RFGs.Edge_Ptr New_Edge);

This message is sent if an outgoing edge has been added to the node.

public Incoming_Edge_Removed( RFGs.Node_Ptr Node, RFGs.View View, RFGs.Edge_Ptr Old_Edge);

This message is sent if an incoming edge has been removed from the node.

public Outgoing_Edge_Removed( RFGs.Node_Ptr Node, RFGs.View View, RFGs.Edge_Ptr Old_Edge);

This message is sent if an outgoing edge has been removed from the node.

Class Node_Ptr

Class RFG

Class RFG_Observer

This observer listens to the RFG.


public Destroying( RFGs.RFG Old_RFG);

This message is send if the RFG is destroying itself.

public Child_Added( RFGs.RFG The_RFG, RFGs.View Child_View);

This message is sent if a new view has been added to the RFG.

Class Temporary_Attribute

Class Traversal_ID

Class View

Class View_Observer

This observer listens to a view.


public Destroying( RFGs.View Old_View);

This message is send if the view is destroying itself.

public Changed( RFGs.View Changed_View);

This message is sent if the attributes (e.g. read-only) of the view have been changed.

public Child_Added( RFGs.View View, RFGs.Node_Ptr Child_Node);

This message is sent if a node has been added to the view.

Class View_Set

Class View_info