Package OpenCAGE.Analysis_Masters.Displays

Contains the display of the analysis master: the window, the controller and necessary observers to update the display when necessary.

Class Analysis_Master_Display

extends OpenCAGE.Masters.Parameter_Set_Masters.Displays.Parameter_Set_Master_Display

The display for the analysis master.


private OpenCAGE.Analyses.Analysis_Action_Factory Visible_Analysis_Action_Factory 

The analysis action factory that belongs to the shown parameter set widget.

private OpenCAGE.Analysis_Masters.Models.Analysis_Master_Model Model 

The analysis master model this is a display of.

private OpenCAGE.General.XML.Node_Ptr Tree_Model 

The XML node pointer the shown tree is build from.

private Gtk.Container.Gtk_Container Parameter_Set_Widget_Container 

This is a container that holds the widget set of the selected analysis action factory. Every time a new widget has to be shown, the old widget is removed from this container and the new widget is added.


public Add_Analysis_Action_Factory( OpenCAGE.Analyses.Analysis_Action_Factory AAF);

public Remove_Analysis_Action_Factory( OpenCAGE.Analyses.Analysis_Action_Factory AAF);

private Build_New_Tree(void);

Create a new tree from the analysis master model and display it.

private Match_Model_To_Tree(void);

public Event( Ada.Strings.Unbounded.Unbounded_String Link);

This is called by an event handler if an event occured (You guessed that. This description is very abstract, because the class is also very abstract). [This description is adopted from 'OpenCAGE.Dialogs.Handlers.Handler_Target'.]

public Boolean Can_Execute( Ada.Strings.Unbounded.Unbounded_String Link);

returns true if a (button) event with the given link string will be handeled. This can be used to gray out the buttons if they shouldn't be used. [This description is adopted from 'OpenCAGE.Dialogs.Handlers.Handler_Target'.]

public Update_Sensitivity(void);

Updates the sensitivity of all contained widgets. [This description is adopted from 'OpenCAGE.Masters.Button_Masters.Displays.Button_Master_Display'.]

Class Analysis_Master_Display_Observer

extends OpenCAGE.Analysis_Masters.Models.Analysis_Master_Model_Observer

An observer that notifies the analysis master display when the analysis master model has changed.


private OpenCAGE.Analysis_Masters.Displays.Analysis_Master_Display Display 


public Changed( OpenCAGE.Analysis_Masters.Models.Analysis_Master_Model_Message Message, OpenCAGE.Analyses.Analysis_Action_Factory AAF);

is called by the observed model when something has happened [This description is adopted from 'OpenCAGE.Analysis_Masters.Models.Analysis_Master_Model_Observer'.]

Class AMD_State_Observer

extends OpenCAGE.State.State_Model_Observer

An observer that notifies the analysis master display when the global state has changed.


private OpenCAGE.Analysis_Masters.Displays.Analysis_Master_Display Display 


public Changed( OpenCAGE.State.State_Message Message);

Is called by the model when something has changed. [This description is adopted from 'OpenCAGE.State.State_Model_Observer'.]