Context Menus



Figure 5-20. UML Class Diagram: Menus

UML Class Diagram: Menus

Many details are omitted in the diagram in order to concentrate on the concept here.

The Context_Menu_Factory makes the Top_Menus build themselves by reading the XML file. Top_Menus represent the highest level of the menus. I.e. one only has to deal with Top_Menus when using context menus. They can be fetched from the Context_Menu_Factory when knowing the name of the desired menu.

Two menus can be intersected so that only the Menu_Items remain that both have in common.

The Menu_Items can decide whether they are greyed out or not by asking their corresponding Command_Factory if the Command is executable with the given Data_Source.

The Con_Men_Handler contains a GTK Callback Handler that can deal with a clicked Menu_Item. It calls the corresponding Command_Factory and gives it the set of Display-Objects and a Data_Source.

A Top_Menu can be displayed by getting the corresponding GTK_Menu from the Top_Menu. The GTK_Menu then has to be send the show and the popup message.

The Con_Men_Controller implements a Show method that can deal with a set of Display_Objects and a Parameter_Pot. It interesects the Top_Menus of the given Display_Objects and shows it.