
The workbench is the central working area of OpenCAGE. All commands that do not pertain to a certain graph window are collected here.



Figure 5-8. UML Class diagram: Workbench

UML Class diagram: Workbench

UML Class diagram: Workbench

The workbench has a modular design. It consists of GUI_Elements, that are combined in a window. The order and existance of the implemented elements can be configured in the XML file.

The workbench display itself is created by the Workbench_Factory, which traverses the XML nodes and creates the elements accordingly.

At the moment, these elements are implemented:


A menu bar. This class reads the menu information from the given XML node. Every time a top-menu is clicked, the controller asks all command factories for the sub-menu commands, if they are executable and updates the sensitivity accordingly.

If a menu item is clicked on, the command factory is asked to create a new command. The command is then given to the command pipe.

Bar, Icon_Bar

A Bar is a container Widget. The only element that can be instantiated in it is a Icon_Bar. The Icon_Bar shows a bar of icons, which issue commands if clicked. There are two different flavours: the normal and the toggle mode. In toggle mode, the button stays in clicked position. The current implementation of toggle mode is hard-wired to react to state model changes.

Therefore, the Icon_bar holds an observer at the State_Model. A second observer is attached at the Graph_Factory, so every time a graph is loaded or closed, the command factories are asked if they can execute and the button sensitivity is changed accordingly.


The status bar shows the number of selected nodes in the currently focused window. Therefore it holds observers at the Window_Master_Model, at the State_Model and at every Display_Controller.