The FET pattern: data source, data gate, data drain

Name, Intent

The FET components are designed to unify the querying and distributing of parameters. An object that provides a data source interface can be asked for parameters. Chaining data sources results in cascaded asking for parameters, thereby making it possible to delegate the querying of parameters. An object that provides a data drain interface can be given parameters. A data gate is used if parameters have to be distributed from a data source to one or more data drains. Parameters are given in form of Parameter Pot (PP).

The FET pattern is named according to a Field Effect Transistor which consists of source, gate and drain.


A command needs some parameters. They should be provided through a dialog. The dialog has some preset data from its last use.

The following components take part in this scenario:

The Preset Parameter Pot (PPP), the Command Parameter Pot (CPP) and the dialog provide a data source interface. The Preset Parameter Pot (PPP) and the Command Parameter Pot (CPP) provide a data drain interface. The Preset Parameter Pot (PPP) is put in then dialog's data source property. The dialog is put in the DG's data source property. The Parameter Pot (PP) and Command Parameter Pot (CPP) are put in the DG's data drains property.

Figure 9-1. Data Flow: FET example

Data Flow: FET example

The DG gets a method call distribute. Then the DG asks the dialog for parameters. Then the dialog asks the Preset Parameter Pot (PPP) for parameters. The dialog gets some parameters, shows a window and lets the user modify them. After the user closes the window, the dialog returns the parameters to the DG. Now the DG distributes the parameters to the Preset Parameter Pot (PPP) and Command Parameter Pot (CPP).

Figure 9-2. Sequence Diagram: FET example

Sequence Diagram: FET example


Use the FET pattern


Figure 9-3. Class Diagram: FET

Class Diagram: FET

The figur below shows a possible sequence diagram for the initialization:

Figure 9-4. Sequence Diagram: FET init

Sequence Diagram: FET init

The figur below shows a possible sequence diagram for a distribute call:

Figure 9-5. Sequence Diagram: FET call

Sequence Diagram: FET call



Data Sources can be cascaded to delegate the getting of Parameters. Objects that provide both a Data Source and a Data Drain interface - like Parameter Pots - can be used at both sides of a Data Gate for writing back changed parameters (see Motivation).


The FET pattern introduces a level of abstraction to the getting of parameters.


The design of a parameter pot is specifically made for Ada 95, which doesn't provide multiple inheritance.

Sample Code

procedure Init is
  -- create the data flow links
  Link_Data_Source(dialog, ppp);
  Link_Data_Source(data_gate, dialog);
  Add_Data_Drain(data_gate, ppp);
  Add_Data_Drain(data_gate, cpp);
end Init;

Known Uses

Used in OpenCAGE for providing parameters to command objects either from dialogs or from script.

Related Patterns
