This package contains all classes, which are directly related to the FET pattern and paramter pots.
This class distributes parameters from the attached Data_Source to the attached Data_Drains.
private FET.Data_Source Data_Source |
The Data_Source this Parameter Pot (PP) gets the parameters from.
private FET.Data_Drains_Lists.List Data_Drain_List |
A list of Data Drain (DD) to which the parameters will be provided.
Create and return a new Data_Gate.
Set the Data_Gate's Data_Source property to the given Data_Source.
Add a Data_Drain to the Data_Gate.
Get parameters from the Data_Source and distribute it to the attached Data_Drains.
This class defines an interface for getting parameters. If another Data_Source is attached, the request is also delegated to this Data_Source.
throws Invalid_Key_Exception , Incorrect_Type_Exception .
A Parameter Pot (PP) contains parameter informations in a wide sense. You can access these parameters directly by names (Unbounded_Strings). You have to know, of which type the parameter is, you are asking for. There is no type conversion done between the different types, eg. you cannot set a Integer under a certain key, and get it back as Unbounded_String with the same key. Every Name within a PP must be unique. If you ask with a certain Get for a parameter with a certain type, and in the PP exists this name with another type, you will get a Incorrect_Type_Exception.
private FET.Parameter_Pot_Data_Source Self_Ds |
The Parameter Pot (PP)'s Data Source (DS)
private FET.Parameter_Pot_Data_Drain Self_Dd |
The Parameter Pot (PP)'s Data Drain (DD)
private FET.Data_Source Linked_Ds |
A Data Drain (DD) the Parameter Pot (PP) gets parameters from (for chaining Data Source (DS)es).
private FET.Hashing_Pot_Element.Mapping Hash |
The hash map for Unbounded_Strings
Create and return a new Parameter Pot (PP)
Get the Parameter Pot (PP)'s Data Source (DS) implementation.
Get the Parameter Pot (PP)'s Data Drain (DD) implementation.
Chain another Data Source (DS) to the Parameter Pot (PP). If a parameter for a given key cannot be found in the Parameter Pot (PP), the request will be delegated to the linked Data Source (DS).
Get the parameter for the specified key as string.
Save the given string under the specified key.
Serializes the content of the Parameter Pot (PP) into a file
Remove this object
Get the specified key as Boolean
Get the specified parameter as Integer
Save the given Integer under the given Key
Save the given Boolean under the specified key
The standard method for putting a parameter into a Parameter_Pot. The parameter-pot acts like a hash-table
The Standard-Method for asking a Parameter_Pot for a Parameter. The parameter pot acts like a hash-table.
Create a clone of a parameter pot (but not of its pot elements; these are copied from the source
Check, if there is a pot element with this key
Write the content into a XML structure
Pots used for dialogs and the like that have to contain a information if the data contained in are valid. We use a key 'Valid' for this. But new Pots have no key valid. So use this method to get the information. It returns true, if 'Valid' does not exist in the Pot. If Is_Valid is true, the other informations in the pot can be used, else not (you guessed that).
same as Is_Valid, but with the key 'Complete'. True means that all information that are needed are in the pot. I.e. for renaming a node a dialog has to be shown. In the pot is the old name of the node, Complete is false. The dialog has to be shown to change the name. If the pot is created by script, it is complete, so the dialog will not be shown.
extends FET.Data_Drain
A Parameter Pot (PP)-specific implementation of a Data Drain (DD).this class acts as an proxy to a Parameter_Pot
private FET.Parameter_Pot Parameter_Pot |
The Parameter_Pot, this object is proxy for
Creates a Data_Drain Representation of the given Parameter_Pot
Return the parameter_pot of the data_drain [This description is adopted from 'FET.Data_Drain'.]
merge a new parameter pot into the existing one (self.parameter_pot); if some keys are double (containted in both paramter pots), the already existing (in self.parameter) is maintained, the other is dropped. The resulting paramter pot is stored in self.paramter_pot.
extends FET.Data_Source
A Parameter Pot (PP)-specific implementation of a Data Source (DS).
private FET.Parameter_Pot Param_Pot |
The Parameter_Pot, this object is proxy for
This class encapsulates a OpenCAGE-Object, which then can be filled into a Parameter_Pot. For every class, you want to put into a Parameter_Pot, you have to build a subclass of this abstract class