Package FET.Misc_Pot_Elements

This package contains all subclasses of Pot_Element which are used within a Parameter_Pot to make the handling with some often used Types easier.

Class Boolean_Deserializer

extends FET.Deserializer

translates xml into a boolean-pot-element


public FET.Pot_Element Deserialize ( OpenCAGE.General.XML.Node_Ptr XML );

Translates xml into boolean-pot-elements

Class Boolean_Pot_Element

extends FET.Pot_Element

A Pot_Element, which holds a Boolean


private Boolean Value 

the value of this pot_element

private FET.Misc_Pot_Elements.Boolean_Deserializer Deserializer 

the deserializer


public OpenCAGE.General.XML.Node_Ptr Serialize (void);

Write this pot into xml

public Ada.Strings.Unbounded.Unbounded_String Get_Element_ID_Boolean (void);

Returns the name of this pot = "boolean-pot-element", needed for deserialization of pot-elements

public Set_Boolean ( Boolean Value );

Set the value

public Boolean Get_Boolean (void);

read the value

public FET.Deserializer Init_Boolean (void);

needed for initialisation of pot-builder

Class Integer_Deserializer

extends FET.Deserializer

translates xml into a integer-pot-element


public FET.Pot_Element Deserialize ( OpenCAGE.General.XML.Node_Ptr XML );

translates xml into a integer-pot-element

Class Integer_Pot_Element

extends FET.Pot_Element

A Pot_Element, which contains a Integer


private Integer Value 

the value of this pot_element

private FET.Misc_Pot_Elements.Integer_Deserializer Deserializer 

the deserializer, which can deserialize this object


public OpenCAGE.General.XML.Node_Ptr Serialize (void);

Write this pot_element into xml

public Ada.Strings.Unbounded.Unbounded_String Get_Element_ID_Integer (void);

Returns the name of this pot_element = "integer-pot-element", needed for deserialization

public Integer Get_Integer (void);

Read the value

public Set_Integer ( Integer Value );

write the value

public FET.Deserializer Init_Integer (void);

needed for initialization of pot-builder

Class String_Deserializer

extends FET.Deserializer

translate xml into string-pot-element


public FET.Pot_Element Deserialize ( OpenCAGE.General.XML.Node_Ptr XML );

translate a string into a string-pot-element

Class String_Pot_Element

extends FET.Pot_Element


private Ada.Strings.Unbounded.Unbounded_String Value 

the value of this pot_element


public OpenCAGE.General.XML.Node_Ptr Serialize (void);

write the value as xml

public Ada.Strings.Unbounded.Unbounded_String Get_Element_ID_String (void);

returns the name of this pot-element = "string-pot-element"

public Ada.Strings.Unbounded.Unbounded_String Get_String (void);

read the value

public Set_String ( Ada.Strings.Unbounded.Unbounded_String Value );

write the value

public FET.Deserializer Init_String (void);

needed for pot-builder