Package OpenCAGE.GUI.Factories.Displays

Class Display_Factory

throws Create_Window_Controller_Failure .

This is an abstract class used to create Display_Controllers, which provide access to an object that represents a part of the graph.


private OpenCAGE.Data.Data Oc_Data 


public OpenCAGE.GUI.Displays.Node_Displays.Node_Display Get_Or_Create_Node_Display( OpenCAGE.GIF.Node_Model Model, OpenCAGE.GUI.Display_Controllers.Graph_Display_Controllers.Graph_Display_Controller Controller);

If a node display for the model was already created, the already created node display is returned. Otherwise a new node display is created. When creating a new node display, displays for the incoming and outgoing edges are searched but not created. The new node display is also added to the graph window model which is referenced by the controller.

Precondition: Initialize_Context_Menu muss schon aufgerufen worden sein

public OpenCAGE.GUI.Displays.Edge_Displays.Edge_Display Get_Or_Create_Edge_Display( OpenCAGE.GIF.Edge_Model Model, OpenCAGE.GUI.Display_Controllers.Graph_Display_Controllers.Graph_Display_Controller Controller);

If an edge display for the model was already created, the already created edge display is returned. Otherwise a new edge display is created. When creating a new edge display, displays for the start and end node are searched but not created. The new edge display is also added to the graph window model which is referenced by the controller.

Precondition: Initialize_Context_Menu muss schon aufgerufen worden sein

public OpenCAGE.GUI.Display_Controllers.Display_Controller Create_Window_Controller( OpenCAGE.GIF.Node_Model Model);

Creates a new window controller and everything required for the window controller to operate correctly.

public Initialize_Context_Menus(void);

Initializes the Context_Menus.

public OpenCAGE.GUI.Displays.Background_Displays.Background_Display Create_Background_Display( OpenCAGE.GIF.Node_Model Model);

Precondition: Initialize_Context_Menu muss schon aufgerufen worden sein