extends OpenCAGE.GUI.Factories.Displays.Display_Factory
This class is used to create objects that represent parts of an RFG. Thus, it knows the RFG and has direct access to it. But actually most of the stuff we are doing here is very generic and only requires a typed graph model.
private OpenCAGE.Pixmap_Tables.Nodes.Typed.Type_Node_Pixmap Node_Pixmap_Table |
Holds the pixmap table that we give to the displays we create.
private OpenCAGE.Pixmap_Tables.Attributes.Pixmaps.Node_Attribute_Pixmap Attribute_Pixmap_Table |
private OpenCAGE.Color_Tables.Pot_Type_Color_Tables.Pot_Type_Color_Table Edge_Color_Table |
private OpenCAGE.Name_Tables.Node_Name_Table Node_Name_Formats |
Kind of Formating Node Names
If a node display for the model was already created, the already created node display is returned. Otherwise a new node display is created. When creating a new node display, displays for the incoming and outgoing edges are searched but not created. The new node display is also added to the graph window model which is referenced by the controller. [This description is adopted from 'OpenCAGE.GUI.Factories.Displays.Display_Factory'.]
Precondition: Initialize_Context_Menu muss schon aufgerufen worden sein [This precondition is adopted from 'OpenCAGE.GUI.Factories.Displays.Display_Factory'.]
If an edge display for the model was already created, the already created edge display is returned. Otherwise a new edge display is created. When creating a new edge display, displays for the start and end node are searched but not created. The new edge display is also added to the graph window model which is referenced by the controller. [This description is adopted from 'OpenCAGE.GUI.Factories.Displays.Display_Factory'.]
Precondition: Initialize_Context_Menu muss schon aufgerufen worden sein [This precondition is adopted from 'OpenCAGE.GUI.Factories.Displays.Display_Factory'.]
Creates a new window controller and everything required for the window controller to operate correctly. [This description is adopted from 'OpenCAGE.GUI.Factories.Displays.Display_Factory'.]
Initializes the Context_Menus. [This description is adopted from 'OpenCAGE.GUI.Factories.Displays.Display_Factory'.]
Pot which contains positions of attributes
contains which part of node name are shown
Precondition: Initialize_Context_Menu muss schon aufgerufen worden sein [This precondition is adopted from 'OpenCAGE.GUI.Factories.Displays.Display_Factory'.]