Package OpenCAGE.Init

Provides initialization of all persistent OpenCAGE objects.

Class Init


Initialization of all persistent OpenCAGE objects.


private OpenCAGE.Data.Oc_Data.Oc_Data Oc_Data 

The global opencage data object

private OpenCAGE.GIF.Factories.Graph_Factory.Graph_Factory GF 

the graph factory

private OpenCAGE.GUI.Workbench.Displays.Workbench Workbench 

the workbench


public Initialize_All(void);

Create all needed objects.

public Finalize_All(void);

Destroy all objects.

Precondition: Initialize_All was called before.

private Initialize_Masters(void);

Initialize the master displays + observers.

private Finalize_Masters(void);

Destroy the master displays + observers.

Precondition: Initialize_Masters was called before.

private Initialize_Window_Master( OpenCAGE.General.XML.Node_Ptr Model);

Initialize the window master display + observers.

private Finalize_Window_Master(void);

Destroy the window master display + observers.

Precondition: Initialize_Window_Master was called before.

private Initialize_Model_Factories(void);

Initialize the model factories.

private Finalize_Model_Factories(void);

Destroy the model factories.

Precondition: Initialize_Model_Factories was called before.

private Initialize_Command_Factories(void);

Initialize the command factories.

private Finalize_Command_Factories(void);

Destroy the command factories.

Precondition: Initialize_Command_Factories was called before.

private Initialize_Pipe(void);

Initialize the pipe and attach the pipe segments.

private Finalize_Pipe(void);

Destroy the pipe.

Precondition: Initialize_Pipe was called before.

private Register_Command_Factory( OpenCAGE.Controller.Command.Command_Factory CF);

Add the given command factory to the list and set it's Oc_Data attribute, if possible.

private Initialize_Xml(void);

Read the program specific data and create the necessary objects.

private Finalize_Xml(void);

Destroy all objects that were created by Initialize_XML.

Precondition: Initialize_Xml was called before.

private Initialize_Analysis_Master( OpenCAGE.General.XML.Node_Ptr Model);

Create the analysis master display.

private Finalize_Analysis_Master(void);

Destroy the analysis master display.

Precondition: Initialize_Analysis_Master was called before.

private Initialize_Layout_Master( OpenCAGE.General.XML.Node_Ptr Model);

Create the layout master display.

private Finalize_Layout_Master(void);

Destroy the layout master display.

Precondition: Initialize_Layout_Master was called before.

private Initialize_Master_Models(void);

Create the models for all masters and attach them to Oc_Data.

private Finalize_Master_Models(void);

Destroy all master models.

Precondition: Initialize_Master_Models was called before.