Contains the display of the layout master: the window, the controller and necessary observers to update the display when necessary.
extends OpenCAGE.Masters.Button_Masters.Displays.Button_Master_Display
The window (display) that is the 'visible' Layout_Master.
private Gtk.CTree.Gtk_CTree Tree |
The tree that contains the displayed windows.
private OpenCAGE.Layout_Masters.Models.Layout_Master_Model Model |
The used Window_Master_Model.
private OpenCAGE.General.XML.Node_Ptr Tree_Model |
This is called by an event handler if an event occured (You guessed that. This description is very abstract, because the class is also very abstract). [This description is adopted from 'OpenCAGE.Dialogs.Handlers.Handler_Target'.]
returns true if a (button) event with the given link string will be handeled. This can be used to gray out the buttons if they shouldn't be used. [This description is adopted from 'OpenCAGE.Dialogs.Handlers.Handler_Target'.]
extends OpenCAGE.Layout_Masters.Models.Layout_Master_Model_Observer
private OpenCAGE.Layout_Masters.Displays.Layout_Master_Display Display |
extends OpenCAGE.Window_Masters.Models.Window_Master_Model_Observer
private OpenCAGE.Layout_Masters.Displays.Layout_Master_Display Display |
Is called by the observed Window_Master_Model when something has changed [This description is adopted from 'OpenCAGE.Window_Masters.Models.Window_Master_Model_Observer'.]